Department of Dermatology

The Department of Dermatology is a branch of Medicine Specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the skin.
Dermatology department is a full-fledged speciality with adequate staff available for teaching and training of MBBS students, and for care of patients suffering from Skin Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Leprosy.
Under graduate and post graduate focused teaching is given high priority Regular post graduate case presentation, journal club meeting and seminars held Histopathological discussions and demonstration under taken Ward rounds and bedside teaching – another hallmark The patients are well cared for both in OPD and in the hospital Specialized examination by woods lamp and skin biopsy regularly done Procedures like Fractional Co2, Phototherapy, chemical peels, Radio frequency, electrocautery, dermarollers, cryotherapy, comedone extraction, molluscum body evacuation and chemical cautery are done regularly.
Facilities available
Nd; YAG Laser
Diode Laser
Co2 Laser
Chemical peeling
Phototherapy chambers
Radiofrequency ablation
Pot. Hydroxide preparation for detection of fungal elements
Gram’s Stain
Z N Stain for M Lepre
Tzanck smear for detection of vesciculobullous / infective disorders
Investigation for parasitic infestation
Why choose SRIMSR ?
- Well-qualified and experienced faculty.
- Industry tie-ups and International collaborations.
- 20+ Years of Experience.
- High Standard Detailing in Academics.
- Smart Classes and Online Learning available.